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Showing posts from November, 2020

Nut Omelette, Ancient Rome, 1st Century AD.

1/2 cups of nibbed almonds - 1/2 cups of broken walnuts -  2 tbsp - pine kernels - 1 tbsp honey - 2 tbsp white wine - 2 tbsp milk - 2 tbsp fish sauce (I have used anchovy sauce) - 6 eggs - ground black pepper - 1 tbsp of olive oil.  Upside-down patina as a sweet. Roast pine kernels and shelled broken nuts; crush with honey, pepper, fish sauce, milk, eggs, a little wine and oil, turn on a round flat dish.   Apicius 4, 2, 16.  I have tried with extra anchovy sauce after serving, it was quite nice! Bibliography: Dalby, Andrew and Grainger, Sally - The Classical Cookbook , British Museum Press, 2012.