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Medieval Arab Dinner

Hummus with Ground Nuts Take boiled chickpeas and pound finely. Take vinegar, good oil, tahini, pepper, atraf tib (spice blend, recipe in:, mint, parsley, thyme, a little of walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, cinnamon, caraway, dried coriander, salt, salted lemons, and olives. Spread. Leave  one day and one night and serve.  -Kanz al-Fawa'id fi Tanwi al-Mawa'id Lamb with Greens and Yogurt  Boil a ratl of meat. Remove the scum. Cook it part way. Add to it chopped green leaves of chard. Cook it until it is well done. Remove the meat, its broth and the chard. Then put in a pound of yogurt and a uqiyah of rice. Continue to stir until rice is cooked. Add to it the meat, swiss chard and the broth. The broth should be a little. Cook it and remove. Sprinkle mint leaves on it. After ladling it into a bowl, put pounded garlic on top. Turnips can be used instead of chard, same goes for spinach.  - Ibn al-'Adim, Kitab...
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Nut Omelette, Ancient Rome, 1st Century AD.

1/2 cups of nibbed almonds - 1/2 cups of broken walnuts -  2 tbsp - pine kernels - 1 tbsp honey - 2 tbsp white wine - 2 tbsp milk - 2 tbsp fish sauce (I have used anchovy sauce) - 6 eggs - ground black pepper - 1 tbsp of olive oil.  Upside-down patina as a sweet. Roast pine kernels and shelled broken nuts; crush with honey, pepper, fish sauce, milk, eggs, a little wine and oil, turn on a round flat dish.   Apicius 4, 2, 16.  I have tried with extra anchovy sauce after serving, it was quite nice! Bibliography: Dalby, Andrew and Grainger, Sally - The Classical Cookbook , British Museum Press, 2012.   

Spinach and Apple Tart, 16th Century, England (Tarte de Espinafres e Maçã, Séc. XVI, Inglaterra).

  200g spinach - 3 apples - 4 egg yolks - 2 tbsp sugar - 1 tsp cinnamon - 1/4 tsp ginger - Shortcrust pastry Cook the apples until tender, add the spinach almost in the end of cooking, so it doesn't shrink too much. Strain the water, put the spinach and apple on the pastry shell, beat the spices and sugar in the egg yolks and pour over the spinach and apple. Bake at 200ºC, for 25 minutes.  Bibliography: Wood, Jacqui - Tasting the Past: Recipes from the Middle Ages to the Civil War, The History Press, 2019 200g de espinafre - 3 maçãs - 4 gemas de ovo - 2 colheres de sopa de açúcar - 1 colher de chá de canela - 1/4 colher de chá de gengibre - massa quebrada Cozinhe as maçãs até ficarem macias, acrescente o espinafre quase no final do cozimento, para não encolher muito. Coe a água, coloque o espinafre e a maçã na massa estendida na forma, bata as especiarias e o açúcar com as gemas, regue com as mesmas o espinafre e a maçã. Asse a 200º C, por 25 minutos.  Bibliografia: Wood,...

Mushroom and Goat's Cheese Pie, Middle Ages, France (Empada de Cogumelos e Queijo de Cabra).

450g button mushrooms - 2 tbsp olive oil - 200g goat's cheese - 1 tsp salt - 1/2 tsp nutmeg - 1/4 tsp pepper - 1 shortcrust pastry  Boil the whole mushrooms in salted water for 5 minutes, then leave in the water to soak. Line the pie dish with the pastry, add the drained mushrooms with the oil, add the slices of cheese on top and sprinkle with nutmeg and pepper, cover with a pastry lid. Bake until the pastry is done.  Bibliography: Jacqui Wood, Tasting the Past - Recipes from the Middle Ages to the Civil War , The History Press, 2019, Kindle Edition, loc. 404.  450 g de cogumelos botão - 2 colheres de sopa de azeite - 200g de queijo de cabra - 1 colher de chá de sal - 1/2 colher de chá de noz-moscada - 1/4 colher de chá de pimenta - 1 massa quebrada Ferva os cogumelos inteiros em água com sal, por 5 minutos e depois deixe de molho. Forre a forma da torta com a massa, junte os cogumelos escorridos com o azeite, adicione as rodelas de queijo por cima e polvilhe com noz-mosc...

Chocolate Cake, 19th Century, United States

Scrape down three ounces of the best and purest chocolate, or prepared cocoa. Cut up, into a deep pan, three-quarters of a pound of fresh butter; add to it a pound of powdered loaf-sugar; and stir the butter and sugar together till very light and white. Have ready fourteen ounces (two ounces less than a pound) of sifted flour; a powdered nutmeg; and a tea-spoonful of powdered cinnamon—mixed together. Beat the whites of ten eggs till they stand alone; then the yolks till they are very thick and smooth. Then mix the yolks and whites gradually together, beating very hard when they are all mixed. Add the eggs, by degrees, to the beaten butter and sugar, in turn with the flour and the scraped chocolate,—a little at a time of each; also the spice. Stir the whole very hard. Put the mixture into a buttered tin pan with straight sides, and bake it at least four hours. If nothing is to be baked afterwards, let it remain in till the oven becomes cool. When cold, ice it. Bibliography: MISS LESLIE’...

Beef and Cheese Pie, 16th Century, Netherlands - 2nd version (Empada de Carne e Queijo, Séc. XVI, Países Baixos, 2ª versão)

For the pastry: 240g of plain flour - 2 tsp salt - 80g lard - 75 ml water    For the filling:  380g of beef - 150g cheddar cheese - a pinch of saffron and ginger  Add the flour and salt together into a bowl and make a well in the center. Heat the lard and water until boiling and pour it in the well. Beat the mixture with a spoon and then knead it. Mould it in a pie dish. After filling it, cover with the pastry lid.   For beef pies. Take beef and that you shall cut very small and put into this in the winter manner: cheese, ginger and saffron. (I have put the slices of cheese first, then the meat, then sprinkled a bit of saffron and ginger on it, and then put some more pieces of cheese on top).  Bake in the oven at 220ºC, for 15 minutes, then at 180ºC, for another 15 minutes.   Bibliography: Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen, Netherlands, 1510 in  Brears, Peter - A Taste of H...

Sherry and Potato Pie, 18th Century, England (Tarte de Batata e Xerez, Séc. XVIII, Inglaterra).

350g puff pastry - 450g mashed potatoes - 125g unsalted butter - 125g caster sugar - 2 egg yolks, beaten - 2 eggs, beaten - 4 tbls sherry - 1 tsp nutmeg - 124 ml double cream - 125g currants  Line a pie dish with the pastry, beat all the remaining ingredients and pour in. Bake at 180º for 30 minutes.  Bibliography: Black, Maggie and Stead, Jennifer - A Taste of History, 10.000 years of Food in Britain, 1997, English Heritage  Glasse, Hannah - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, 1747.  350g de massa folhada - 450g de puré de batatas - 125g de manteiga sem sal - 125g de açúcar refinado - 2 gemas de ovo batidas - 2 ovos batidos - 4 colheres de chá de xerez - 1 colher de chá de noz-moscada - 124 ml de natas - 125g de groselhas Forre uma forma de torte com a massa, bata todos os ingredientes restantes e despeje na mesma. Asse no forno a 180º por 30 minutos. Bibliografia: Black, Maggie and Stead, Jennifer - A Taste of History, 10.000 years of Food in Britain, 1997, Eng...