350g puff pastry - 450g mashed potatoes - 125g unsalted butter - 125g caster sugar - 2 egg yolks, beaten - 2 eggs, beaten - 4 tbls sherry - 1 tsp nutmeg - 124 ml double cream - 125g currants
Line a pie dish with the pastry, beat all the remaining ingredients and pour in. Bake at 180º for 30 minutes.
Bibliography: Black, Maggie and Stead, Jennifer - A Taste of History, 10.000 years of Food in Britain, 1997, English Heritage
Glasse, Hannah - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, 1747.
350g de massa folhada - 450g de puré de batatas - 125g de manteiga sem sal - 125g de açúcar refinado - 2 gemas de ovo batidas - 2 ovos batidos - 4 colheres de chá de xerez - 1 colher de chá de noz-moscada - 124 ml de natas - 125g de groselhas
Forre uma forma de torte com a massa, bata todos os ingredientes restantes e despeje na mesma. Asse no forno a 180º por 30 minutos.
Bibliografia: Black, Maggie and Stead, Jennifer - A Taste of History, 10.000 years of Food in Britain, 1997, English Heritage
Glasse, Hannah - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, 1747.
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