This is called Tart out of Lent, because it is made with ingredients that were forbidden during lent, in the 16th century, in England, such as cheese and cream.
Original recipe: Take neshe chese and pare hit and grynd hit yn A morter and breke
egges and do ther to and then put yn buttur and creme and mell
all well to gethur put not to moche butter ther yn if the chese be fatte
make A coffyn of dowe and close hit a bove with dowe and collor hit
a bove with the yolkes of eggs and bake hit well and serue hit furth.
Adapted Recipe:
• 100g Cheshire cheese
• 150ml cream
• 1 egg
• Seasonings
• Shortcrust or other pastry (I used puff pastry this time).
• Egg yolk to glaze
Chop and pound cheese in a mortar.
Add the other ingredients and make a spreadable paste.
Make a pastry tart case, about 25cm (10inches) diameter – you can
use a tart tin if easier – and thin pastry lid.
Fill the case with cheese, cream, egg and butter mixture, then put
on the pastry lid – seal and glaze with egg yolks.
Bake at 220°C/gas mark 6 for 40 minutes or until golden.
Essa tarte é chamada de tarte da Quaresma, porque é feita com ingredientes proibidos durante a Quaresma, no século XVI, em Inglaterra, como queijo e natas.
Receita Adaptada:
• 100g de queijo Cheshire
• 150 ml de natas
• 1 ovo
• Temperos
• Massa quebrada ou outra massa
• Gema de ovo para pincelar
Pique e bata o queijo num almofariz. Adicione os outros ingredientes e faça uma pasta para barrar. Faça uma caixa de tarte, com cerca de 25 cm de diâmetro - pode usar uma forma de tarte, se for mais fácil. Encha a caixa com a mistura de queijo, natas, ovo e manteiga e, em seguida, coloque a tampa da massa - feche e polvilhe com as gemas. Asse em forno a 220 ° C / marca de gás 6, por 40 minutos ou até dourar.
Recipe video from historic royal palaces:
Bibliography: Original recipe from Gentyll manly Cokere (MS Pepys 1047, c.1500), adapted by Historic Royal Palaces and Reading University in
For a complete translation of the entire Gentyll manly Cokere (MS Pepys 1047, c.1500) see
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