Mushrooms with Spices and Wine, 17th Century, England (Cogumelos com Especiarias e Vinho, Século XVII, Inglaterra).
450g mushrooms - 1 tsp salt - 1 onion - 1 blade mace - 2/3 cloves - 1/4 tsp ground black pepper - 1tsp of fresh sweet herbs - 50g butter - 150 ml dry white wine - 25g white breadcrumbs - 1 clove garlic - 1 orange thinly sliced
Cut the mushrooms, put in a pan, add the salt, chopped onion, spices, sweet herbs and butter, cover and stew for 5 minutes, over a gentle heat. Stir in the wine and then the breadcrumbs and simmer for a further 10 minutes. Rub the dish with garlic, pour in the mushrooms, and garnish with the slices of orange.
Bibliography: Brears, Peter - Cooking and Dinning in Tudor and Stuart England, Prospect Books, 2015, pág. 290.
From the original, The Acomplished Cook by Robert May, 1660 in
450g de cogumelos - 1 colher de chá de sal - 1 cebola - 1 lâmina de macis - 2/3 cravinhos - 1/4 de colher de chá de pimenta preta moída - 1 colher de chá de ervas doces - 50g de manteiga - 150 ml de vinho branco seco - 25g de farinha de rosca branca - 1 dente de alho - 1 laranja em fatias finas
Corte os cogumelos, coloque numa panela, adicione o sal, a cebola picada, os temperos, as ervas e a manteiga, cubra e cozinhe por 5 minutos, em lume brando. Junte o vinho e, em seguida, a farinha de rosca e cozinhe por mais 10 minutos. Esfregue o prato com alho, despeje os cogumelos e decore com as fatias de laranja.
Bibliografia: Brears, Peter - Cooking and Dinning in Tudor and Stuart England, Prospect Books, 2015, pág. 290.
Do original, The Acomplished Cook by Robert May, 1660 in
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