Tart de Bry. Take a crust ynche depe in a trap. Take yolkes of ayren rawe & chese ruayn & medle it & þe yolkes togyder. Do þerto powdour gynger, sugur, safroun, and salt. Do it in a trap; bake it & serue it forth.
Line the flan form with the shortcrust pastry, made with 150 g of flour and 65 g of lard. Soak the saffron in water until the liquid turns golden. Beat 350 gr of Brie cheese until creamy and smooth. In a separate bowl, beat 4 egg yolks and 50 g of sugar, then add the cheese, a good pinch of ginger, salt and saffron water. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Cook at 190º, for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve cold or hot on the same day.
Bibliography: Black, Maggie - A Taste of History, 10.000 years of Food in Britain, 1993, English Heritage, pag. 134-135. Original Recipe from The Forme of Cury in http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/foc/
Forre a forma de pudim com a massa quebrada, feita com 150 gr de farinha e 65 gr de banha. Embeba o açafrão em água até o líquido ficar dourado. Bata 350 gr de queijo Brie até ficar cremoso e suave. Numa taça separada bata 4 gemas dos ovos e 50 gr de açúcar, depois junte o queijo, uma boa pitada de gengibre, sal e a água de açafrão. Deite a mistura na forma preparada. Cozinhe a 190º, por 20 a 25 minutos. Sirva frio ou quente no mesmo dia.
Bibliografia: Black, Maggie - A Taste of History, 10.000 years of Food in Britain, 1993, English Heritage, pag. 134-135.
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