400g white breadcrumbs - 400g grated carrots - 8 egg yolks - 3 egg whites - 125g butter - 1 small glass sherry - 1tsp nutmeg - 600 ml milk - 50g sugar
Take a twopenny lofe grated; and the same quantity of raw caret grated very small; mix them together; and put to it the yolks of eight eggs, and the whites of 3 beat them well and put them in, then stir in a quarter of a pounde of butter being melted, and a little sack; and grated nutmeg; put in milk enough to make it of a good thickness, about a pinte I believe will be enough; sweeten it pretty sweet to yr tast, mingle all well together; and bake it in a dish, half an hour will do it; when you draw it, poure a little melted butter with Sack in it; one ye top of it.
Bibliography: Wood, Jacqui - Rebecca Price, The Compleat Cook, 1681
Tasting the Past, Recipes from the Middle Ages to the Civil War, kindle Edition, The History Press, 2019.
400g de farinha de rosca branca - 400g de cenoura ralada - 8 gemas - 3 claras - 125 g de manteiga - 1 copo pequeno de Xerez - 1 colher de sopa de noz-moscada - 600 ml de leite - 50g açúcar
Pegue no pão ralado e na cenoura ralada muito pequena, misture-os e ponha nela as gemas de oito ovos, bata as claras e junte a manteiga derretida, a noz-moscada, junte o leite, adoça-o bem doce, misture e asse num prato de forno, por meia hora. Antes de servir derrame a manteiga junto com mais Xerez em cima do pudim.
Bibliografia: Wood, Jacqui - Rebecca Price, The Compleat Cook, 1681
Tasting the Past, Recipes from the Middle Ages to the Civil War, kindle Edition, The History Press, 2019.
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