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Showing posts from July, 2020

Whip Syllabub (Cream and Sherry Desert), 17th Century, England (Sobremesa de Natas e Xerez, Séc. XVII, Inglaterra).

600 ml double cream - 1 egg white - 3tbs sherry - 50g açúcar  Whisk all together, put in individual bowls and keep in the fridge for some hours to become firm. TO MAKE A WHIP SYLLABUB Take the whites of two Eggs, and a pint of Cream, six spoonfuls of Sack, as much Sugar as will sweeten it; then take a Birchen rod and whip it; as it riseth with froth, skim it, and put it into the Syllabub pot; so continue it with whipping and skimming, till your Syllabub pot be full. Bibliography: The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened by Kenelm Digby, 1669 in  Brears, Peter - Cooking and Dining in Tudor and Early Stuart England, Prospect Books, 2005.  600 ml de natas - 1 clara de ovo - 3 colheres de sopa de xerez - 50g de açúcar Bata todos os ingredientes juntos, coloque em taças individuais e guarde no frigorífico por algumas horas para ficar firme. Bibliografia: The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened by Kenelm Di...

Tarte of Cheese and Eggs, 16th Century, England (Tarte de Queijo e Ovos, Séc. XVI, Inglaterra).

1 shortcrust pastry - 450g Cheshire cheese or similar - 6 egg yolks - 100g butter    Take good fine paste and drive it as thin as you can.  Then take cheese, pare it, mince it, and braye it in a morter with the yolks of Egs til it be like paste, then put it in a faire dish with clarified butter, and then put it abroade into your paste and cover it with a faire cut cover, and so bake it: that doon, serve it forth. Bibliography: A BOOK OF COOKRYE. Gathered by A. W., 1591 in   Brears, Peter - Cooking and Dining in Tudor and Early Stuart England, Prospect Books, 2005.  1 massa quebrada - 450g de queijo Cheshire ou similar - 6 gemas - 100g de manteiga Pegue numa massa fina, estenda-a numa forma.  Descasque o queijo, pique-o e junte as gemas de ovos, forme uma pasta, junte a manteiga. Coloque tudo sobre a massa quebrada  e cubra-a com a tampa, leve a assar.  Bibliografia: A BOOK OF COOKRYE. Gathered ...

Carrot Pudding, 17th Century, England (Pudim de Cenoura, Séc. XVII, Inglaterra).

400g white breadcrumbs - 400g grated carrots - 8 egg yolks - 3 egg whites - 125g butter - 1 small glass sherry - 1tsp nutmeg - 600 ml milk - 50g sugar  Take a twopenny lofe grated; and the same quantity of raw caret grated very small; mix them together; and put to it the yolks of eight eggs, and the whites of 3 beat them well and put them in, then stir in a quarter of a pounde of butter being melted, and a little sack; and grated nutmeg; put in milk enough to make it of a good thickness, about a pinte I believe will be enough; sweeten it pretty sweet to yr tast, mingle all well together; and bake it in a dish, half an hour will do it; when you draw it, poure a little melted butter with Sack in it; one ye top of it. Bibliography: Wood, Jacqui - Rebecca Price, The Compleat Cook, 1681 Tasting the Past, Recipes from the Middle Ages to the Civil War, kindle Edition, The History Press, 2019.  400g de farinha de rosca branca - 400g de cenoura ralada - 8 gemas - 3 claras - 125 g de ma...

Chicken and Apple Salad, 17h Century, England (Salada de Frango e Maçã, Séc. XVII, Inglaterra).

2 roasted chicken legs - 1 lemon - 1 chopped apple - 25g chopped onion - 1/2 tsp fresh parsley - pinch of ground pepper - 1/2 tsp salt - 1 tsp wine vinegar - 1 tbs olive oil  "Take a hen and roast it, let it be cold, carve up the legs, take the flesh and mince it small, shred a lemon and a little parsley and onions, an apple, a little pepper, and salt, with oyle and vinegar; garnish the dish with the bones and the lemon peel and so serve it".  Bibliography: The Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth commonly called Joan Cromwell, 1664 in Driver, Christopher and Berriedale-Johnson, Michele - Pepys at Table, Seventeenth Century Recipes for the  Modern Cook, 1984, Bell & Hyman, London.   Brears, Peter - Cooking and Dining in Tudor and Early Stuart England, Prospect Books, 2005.  2 pernas de frango assado - 1 limão - 1 maçã picada - 25g de cebola picada - 1/2 colher de chá de salsa fresca - ...

Almond Tarts, 16th Century, Germany (Tartes de Amêndoas, Séc. XVI, Alemanha).

To make an almond tart, recipe from Mastercook Simon. Let the almonds be pounded small, with them sugar, sweet milk or cream, the whites from four eggs. And put sugar therein, make a tart out of it and let it bake. You should not, however, make a cover on top of it. Serve it cold. Bibliography: Excerpt from Das Kuchbuch der Sabina Welserin (V. Armstrong, translation) - Medieval Cookery in   Para fazer uma torta de amêndoa, receita da Mastercook Simon. Bata as amêndoas com um pouco de açúcar, leite doce ou natas, mais as claras de quatro ovos. Junte açúcar, faça uma tarte e deixe assar. Sirva frio.  Bibliografia: Excerto de Das Kuchbuch der Sabina Welserin (tradução V. Armstrong) in 

Custard Tarts with Strawberries, 14th century, England/France (Tartes de Natas com Morangos, Séc. XIV, Inglaterra/França).

1 shortcut pastry - 500 ml double cream - 20g blanched almonds pounded - 30g sugar - a pinch of salt - 8 egg yolks DARYOLS Take Creme of Cowe mylke. oþer of Almandes. do þerto ayren with sugur, safroun, and salt, medle it yfere. do it in a coffyn. of II. ynche depe. bake it wel and serue it forth, Put the cream and almond pulp in a saucepan, with sugar, salt and saffron until it boils. Beat the egg yolks, adding the cream a little bit at a time, whisk constantly until smooth.  Put the pastry in individual cake molds or in a single tart one, bake it at 220ºc for 15 minutes. For fruit tarts add the fruit to the pastry first and then put the custard after., bake at 160º until the pastry is golden.  Bibliography: The Forme of Cury, 14th century, in  Ysewijn, Regula - Pride and Pudding: The History of British Puddings, Savoury and Sweet, 2016.  1 massa quebrada - 500 ml de natas - 20g de amêndoas esmagadas -...

Cottage Cheese and Broad Bean Pie, 16th Century, England (Tarte de Favas e Requeijão, Séc. XVI, Inglaterra).

1 pastry (I used puff pastry) - 250g broad beans - 4 egg yolks - 120g cottage cheese - 4 tbsp sugar - 90g butter - 4 tsp ground cinnamon  To make a tart of Beanes. Take beanes and boyle them tender in faire water, then take them out and breake them in a morter, and strayne them with the yolkes of foure egges, curde made of milke, then season it up with Suger and halfe a dishe of butter and a litle cinnamen, and bake it. Bibliography: A Proper New Booke of Cookery, 1557 in  Breverton, Terry - The Tudor Kitchen, 2017.  1 massa (usei massa folhada) - 250g de favas - 4 gemas - 120g de queijo cottage - 4 colheres de sopa de açúcar - 90g de manteiga - 4 colheres de chá de canela em pó Para fazer uma tarte de favas. Pegue nas favas e molhe-as com água morna, em seguida, esmague-as e misture com as gemas de quatro ovos, junte o requeijão, depois tempere com açúcar e manteiga, adicione canela e leve a assar. Bibliografia: A P...