Whip Syllabub (Cream and Sherry Desert), 17th Century, England (Sobremesa de Natas e Xerez, Séc. XVII, Inglaterra).
600 ml double cream - 1 egg white - 3tbs sherry - 50g açúcar Whisk all together, put in individual bowls and keep in the fridge for some hours to become firm. TO MAKE A WHIP SYLLABUB Take the whites of two Eggs, and a pint of Cream, six spoonfuls of Sack, as much Sugar as will sweeten it; then take a Birchen rod and whip it; as it riseth with froth, skim it, and put it into the Syllabub pot; so continue it with whipping and skimming, till your Syllabub pot be full. Bibliography: The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened by Kenelm Digby, 1669 in https://www.gutenberg.org/files/16441/16441-h/16441-h.htm Brears, Peter - Cooking and Dining in Tudor and Early Stuart England, Prospect Books, 2005. 600 ml de natas - 1 clara de ovo - 3 colheres de sopa de xerez - 50g de açúcar Bata todos os ingredientes juntos, coloque em taças individuais e guarde no frigorífico por algumas horas para ficar firme. Bibliografia: The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened by Kenelm Di...