900g morello cherries - 1/2 litre red wine - 2 egg yolks - 175g caster sugar - 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger - 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon - 225g puff pastry - a little sugar for the crust. Cook the cherries in the wine, sugar and spices until the fruit is tender and the liquid has reduced to 250ml. Drain the cherries and place in a pie dish. Beat the egg yolks into the wine syrup and pour over the fruit. Roll out the pastry and cut a strip of about 1 cm, to line the pie dish, moisten it wit water and place the pie lid on it, cutting three diagonal slits in the centre of the crust, bake at 220º, for 30 minutes. Bibliography: Brown, Michèle Brown - Eating Like a King, A History of Royal Recipes, Tempus, 2006. 900g de cerejas morello - 1/2 litro de vinho tinto - 2 gemas - 175g de açúcar refinado - 1/4 colher de chá de gengibre em pó - 1/2 colher de chá de canela em pó - 225g de massa folhada - um pouco de açúcar para a crosta. Cozinhe as ce...
Apontamentos de História da Alimentação